Order & Pay FAQ
How can I update my menu?
💡 You can find the KodyPay Merchant Portal at: https://cms.kodypay.com/login (If you don't remember your login information, you can simply reset your password.)
1. Log in to your Kody Merchant account using your email address and password

2. Click the "Inventory" icon

3. Select the items that require modification

4. Modify the selected items (Name, Price, Description)

5. Press “Save Changes”, and you're done!

(If you're looking to add lots of new items or new add-ons, please get in touch with us. We'd be more than happy to organise a batch import for you)
How do I know if an order has been paid?
- Open your Kody App
- Select the icon on the bottom left hand corner
- You will see tabs called “Manual”, “Completed”, and “order”. Select “Completed”
- If a customer successfully placed an order, the order will be visible in the “Completed” section
What should I do if I'm asked to "configure my QR codes"?

If this appears after a customer scans a QR code, it indicates that your QR codes have not yet been activated. Please contact us and we will resolve the situation.
What should I do if my printer stops printing?
- Remove the printer from the power and ethernet cable
- Wait for 1 minute
- Turn on power, then plug ethernet cable back in
(Please try the above procedure. If it doesn't work, give us a shout!)
Can I download the Kody App on more devices?
The answer is yes! The Kody App is available on both Android and iOS - feel free to download it on your phone or tablet
How do I change my opening hours?
1. Log in to your Kody CMS account
2. Click the "Store" icon

3. Press “Store”. From here, you can edit your opening hours

How can I create discount codes?
1. Log in to your Kody CMS account
2. Click the "Discounts" icon on your sidebar

3. Press "Add new"

4. Now create your new discount code

5. Don’t forget to save it!